Saturday 23 March 2013

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Wednesday 28 March 2012

First Post...

Hi im Lisa and i'm a polish-aholic. I'm starting this blog on a whim, I'm not a professional by any means so be patient with me. So many of my girls on instagram have blogs so I thought "hell I might as well get one too!" I want to be able to keep up with everyone, everywhere. I have a list of blogs that I just favorite on my browser so this will help with that as well! I'm babbling now but mostly this blog will be for nail polish swatches and reviews. I'll also post some of my cupcakes and cakes I've made in the past. Again I'm not a professional it's another one of my hobbies. Neither of them are particularly good for me because nail polish makes me poor and baking makes me fat :p -Lisa